A powerful, action-taking solution serving your business transformation purposes
actions taken
euros saved
sites tracked
With our EcoProgress™ program, we have saved €30M in 6 years, and have implemented a network that continually progresses throughout our 1,400 restaurants in France.
In my opinion, one of the best qualities of Ozact is on-boarding employees on a common change program and liberating grassroots initiatives, which are the real source of innovation.
With Ozact, you get an instrument designed for corporate change. It gives you the capability to implement a program able to solve almost any transformation management agenda.
66 avenue des Champs Elysées
75008 Paris
OZACT 2021
OZACT, EURL au capital de 100 000€, dont le siège social est situé 66 avenue des Champs Elysées, 75008 Paris, immatriculée au RCS de PARIS SIREN : 841 152 739 SIRET : 841 152 739 00030 N° de TVA intracommunautaire : FR28841152739